How to use Microsoft Publisher ?

Now you can easily create Professional documents, e.g Newsletters, Flyers, Postcards, Invitations, & Brochures etc by using Microsoft Publisher.

  • Open Startup button in your Pc and write “Microsoft Publisher” in search bar. Launch it and go to Getting Started and click on Publication Types.Choose the desired Template from the right side bar.
  • Now click on Start Wizard at top right corner of your PC.
  • After Clicking to this option, click on Next and follow the instruction given by MS Publisher to create a document.
  • Click Finish and a new document will appear to you with multiple frames. Add images or type content into each frame.
  • You can also add additional frames. Click on “Insert” and open “Draw text Box” . There are other options to edit image text , cropping and resizing etc.
  • Final step is to save your file on desktop.